Beaches just happen to be my favorite place in the whole entire world.Just so you know.

The ride was pretty uneventful. Just Madi&I being obnoxious in the back seat, and 5 year old kate being JUST ABOUT THE CUTEST THING EVER!

Isn't is so pretty? Trust me, my cell phone pics don't do it justice.
Me and Madi rented boogie boards and had fun with those for 2 hours. I love boogie boarding cause its a sport I'm actually semi good at. The sports I'm good at are always the ones that people don't think of as 'real' sports, for instance, I have hoola-hooped for 54 minutes one time, and I'm good at jump rope and Paton twirling. But I can't do the PE sports....but I digress.

These n00bs in front of us were cussing loudly and talking about super heros. One of them said "I am going to write a book about this last hour of my life" and I just wanted to scream 'NO ONE WILL WANT TO READ ABOUT THIS LAST HOUR OF YOUR LIFE,SITTING ON A BEACH TOWEL WHILE THE GIRLS BEHIND YOU LAUGH AT YOU!'
People watching is fun. Discreetly taking pictures of others while they don't know about it is funner.

Aren't Madi and I a pair of beach goddesses? I thought so.

I told Madi I would post a pic of her feet.

We walked the shops by the beach together. Our favorite is 'the frustrated cowboy' the lady inside was nice.

Doesn't this cowboy look frustrated?

Imma marry him.

There was a train track on the beach so Madi and I put some coins on the track and
ran away to a nearby bench at a safe distance to be in safety while we waited for the train TO SMUSH THE PENNIES AND NICKELS INTO SWEET SHAPES!

Everyone was impressed.Even this dude.