All of these pictures have been viciously stolen from Sister V OR Sierra:)

I was pretty skeptical of camp at first (read my post on maryperson.tumblr.com I have no clue why i'm blogging on here but whatevess). We were staying in our years, not our wards and there were a lot of new changes I wasn't used to. So I was a little wary.

well, the biggest lesson I got from girls camp was to be positive. I didn't have that much fun the first two days because I didn't make them fun I spent too much time being negative and I am like super disgusted with myself for being a Debbie Downer.

I really did have an awesome time at camp, and one of the reasons is that my old YW President got to go this year as the craft cabin lady. I love her so much because she loves

Another reason I loved camp this year was because of how close I got to some girls at camp. Me,Madi,Tati,and Sierra have never been so close. We all had SO much fun this year just hanging out and making people say non-sense words ( Blarfingar anyone) what can we say were n00bs.

Another thing our group did this year was give all of our leaders nicknames/adding them to our family tree.All of our leaders got one! Now let me see if I got this right...
Sister Rucker- Aunty Ruck Ruck, the cool aunt who will give us $ and party with us
Sister Vanbuskirk- Aunty SHELLLY, The cool crafty aunt who married into the family.
Sister Risk- Aunty RISKY-The strict aunt/accountant who will make you nice heart felt gifts for your birthday.
Sister Biesinger- Aunty Lillie/ The kinda strict/cool aunt who is not as cool as aunty ruck ruck BUT our mom will still leave us with her for the weekends.
Sister Dean- MOMMA DEAN/ our loving caring mother who spent 9 months with us in her womb
Did I get them all right Tati? Oh and Sister Kempton, I don't think we made one for you but one IS ON THE WAY! And we love you a lot!

As strange as it may seem, one of the funnest times I had at camp this year was... KITCHEN DUTY! I know, weird right? Well it was super fun bonding with girls was doing the dishes after dinner! We were throwing bubbles, singing camp songs, and being super silly. And I gotta thank the cooks for not only being so awesome to go up for a week to make yummy nom nom food, but for letting some crazy teens into their kitchen and messing things up!

We had SUPER fun at the lake telling the snack shack boy he was hot ( and Tati being super embarrassing...wha?)And racing home to be the first ones to the shower back at camp. We succeeded.

There were a lot of shenanigans this year at camp but a lot of laughs a giggles as well.

A lot of service and spirt.

And a lot of memories.

See you next year PEASANTS!