So Morgans mom drives us to the theater ( witch was one of the funnest parts of the night her mom is hilarious We made a LIAR rap Above) at 5:30 and the movie didnt start till 7:00 we bought our tickets once we got there because we were afraid it would be sold out. We walk around and we chilled with my friend alex for a bit. but then he went off to do his own thing. We wnt to borders and met the cutest littlegirl brianna and her parents. The little girl was nine and her and her parents drove down here from IDLWILD just to see the movie they got a hotel and everything. We talked to them for a while itold them how im the regonal leader for the fan club and stuff and it was pretty cool .
Then it started to get weird. So we left the girl and there family so we could find the ticket that morgan lost. ( the theater just gave her a new one ) and they found us again THEY LEFT THERE DAUGHTER WITH US WHILE THEY GOT DRINKS! Okay im now a parent or anyhing i have no experince in that feild other than babysitting but i dont tink your supposed leave your 9 year old at movie theater with 2 stangers you just met so you can go get drink. But it alll turned out well the girl was so sweet. We went into the theater 45 mins early so we could get handycapped seats so we could get up and start danceing. We met other fans who sat next to us. That girls parents come back into the theater and said that they wre gonna leave the girl with usso they could situp at the top. Then THE MOVIE STARTED i was the first to scream. Then everyone did. ( trend setter:) It was AMAZING AMAZING AMAZING i wasjumping to every song someone told me to sit down and shutup ( there exact words ) i told them you shut up this is a concert movie not slumdog millinarire.
The 3D was GREAT. They even filmed one ofmy favortie songs ( pushing me away ) at the concert i went to. So halfway though gotta find out comes on so meand morgan and that little girl biranna and two other girls we met gizel and tessa stood up an we were waveing our glowstick then ALEX comes in gives me a hug and i wasnt nice i was in jonas mood. he just snuck in there to meet me and then he says this "have you ever kissed anyone in a movie theater " and i said "No" i was already very annoyed that he was in there. Then he said" do you want to " and i said " No now you can leave unless you wanna see this movie" he left i know that was kinda bratty but i was like in my elent im surprized i could even remeber half of this stuff becuase i was freaking out though the whole movie. SO the movie ends and the tears fall it was very dramtic.
It was so great Im seeing it with Madi Barney and Danielle Mattsion today im sure they will love it too :)