So yesterday was freaking EPIC
me and Raylen woke up at 5 am and started driveing to Lolliepops and rainbows at 7
we wen to universal first but then we got back in linefor
lolliepops and there were so many girls there in Jonas Gear waiting for JB
they wernt coming the people who threw the event lied to more people would come
so were in the line at twelve and he event starts at 6 we make friends and stuff and we are in the very FRONT of the barrracades being pushed and shoved everywhere
then Miley Cyrus's mom comes out and meets people
i got a picture with her ( i know im a cool kid lol LAME) and she was very nice
then we get to hear Lazy Randy do soundcheck (miley cyrus's brothers band he is HOTTT)
then justin Gaston comes and kinda smiles but he laughs at all of us wanting to meet him
jerk he was obiously mad about something though
I went with this group of girls to meet noah cyrus ( i know i get cooler lol ) and she said this when my friend asked for a picture
"NO IM BUSY" dude this 7 year old little girl refuses autographs alredy lol
Kenea Textria the old Ggirl person before the rest of the band left her was really good she sung to a CD with a track but you can tell it was her
then i met her
then WOW comes on stage for soundcheck and there were pretty good
they did extra stuff to make the croud happy
they sung amazingly
i think they will get pretty big
but there mangerger looked wired on something lol
they met everyone and they were very nice :)
And then NonP goes up for soundcheck there VERY goood there playing at wango tango
hey sound like blackeyed Peas
and they were nice and took millions of pictures
so theres like 2 hours left and nothing really happens
so everyones wondering where Miley is because we asked her mom and her mom said she was coming
she put on her twitter she was coming
but still no iely
so the Event starts and there are so many people pushing me from all sides
I met 36 people all and all so heres some of the most spechial ones lol
Savvy and Mandy, WOW, Keana, Non P, Clique girls ( they got asked what hapened to the other emeber and they said "what other meber were right here") , Millie and Becky, Samanthat Droke , That guy that plays mike newton in twilight, Varsty Fanclub ,The guy in secret life,Jaden Panitere , Emily Reaves ,Brason Cyrus and the rest of that band
i met so many people i didnt know lol they were there like promoting themselves
My phone died so this nice girl i met there let me take pics with her camera and she will email it how seet
so the event over and Miley Cyrus is on the balcony of Hard Rock Cafe hideing
so after it was over Me and Raylen wait for my brother and we go into a Candy store and guess who was in there
LUCAS TILL i almost died He wasnt at the red carpet or anything he was just chillin
My phone was dead so i couldnt take a picture
but he gave me an autograph and i said "can i give you a hug " ( lol i know im a dork )
then he says sure pretty lady OH MY GOODD i will never get over that it was amazing
everyone was pretty nice so it was a great time lol